Why Learn about Food and Feeding?

Community facilitators make a big difference in families' lives!

Learn about the benefits of food and feeding for children in the early years, guidelines and recommendations for parents to engage their children in meal planning and food preparation, and the positive outcomes associated with growing competent eaters.

This course will walk you through all the things you need to be an Appetite to Play Community Facilitator for Food and Feeding. You'll learn how to deliver our interactive and engaging workshops in a culturally sensitive, trauma-informed manner.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Food and Feeding

    2. What's in Your Training Package?

    3. Learning to Deliver the Workshops

    4. Introduction Food Literacy

    5. Food Literacy Workshop

    6. Food Literacy Summary

    7. Introduction Meal Planning

    8. A Note of Caution

    9. Meal Planning Workshop

    10. Meal Planning Summary

    11. Introduction Positive Mealtimes

    12. Positive Mealtimes Workshop

    13. Positive Mealtimes Summary

    14. Get to Know the Appetite to Play Website

    15. Food and Feeding Summary

About this course

  • Free
  • 15 lessons

Tips for Your Learning Experience

How to make the most of the self-directed format

  • Go at your own pace

    You don't need to complete the entire course in one sitting. You can complete as your schedule allows. You can also come back and review things at any time.

  • Take Notes

    We encourage you to take notes as you go through the training. Notes will help you improve your learning and become a great facilitator.

  • Practice and Prepare

    Build your own plan to apply this training. Tell colleagues about the concepts, mentally rehearse, or schedule practice sessions.